What is a corporate business matchmaking?
What is a corporate business matchmaking? “Corporate business matchmaking” is one or more networking events involving employees, where they present their areas and roles. This allows the organization to promote engagement and enables everyone to become acquainted with their coworkers and the various functions within the organization. This type of event aims to foster relationships […]
Business Matchmaking: What is an international business matchmaking event?
Business Matchmaking: What is an international business matchmaking event? International business matchmaking is a networking event that involves both domestic and multinational companies. It is commonly found in trade fairs and exhibitions. Currently, there are several domestic companies that promote their work in other countries, and as such, country-based matchmaking events can also be organized. […]
Business Matchmaking: What is a thematic business matchmaking event?
Business Matchmaking: What is a thematic business matchmaking event? Thematic business matchmaking is a networking event involving companies with a specific focus on particular themes, such as Innovation, Employability, etc. Thematic business matchmaking events have a pre-defined time for each company to present their products or services to others. At the end of the presentations, […]
Business Matchmaking: What is a sectoral business matchmaking?
Business Matchmaking: What is a sectoral business matchmaking? Setorial business matchmaking is a networking event with companies from specific sectors, for example: Parties and Events, Financial Market, Fashion, etc. Normally, companies have a pre-defined time to present their products or services to others, and at the end of the presentations, participants can interact with each […]
Business Matchmaking: What is an Exclusive Business Matchmaking?
Business Matchmaking: What is an Exclusive Business Matchmaking? Exclusive Business Matchmaking is an event that promotes networking among companies from different sectors, but each company must be exclusively unique in its field of operation. Have you ever considered the benefits of presenting your product or service in an Exclusive Business Matchmaking? Each company has a […]
Business Matchmaking: What is a Mixed Business Matchmaking?
Mixed Business Matchmaking is a networking event involving companies from different sectors, whether they are competitors or not. Each company has a pre-defined time to present their products or services to the others, and at the end of the presentations, participants can interact with each other and generate business, partnerships, and commercial agreements. It is […]
Business Matchmaking: Anchor Companies
Business Matchmaking: Anchor Companies Anchor companies are large and medium-sized enterprises that can belong to various industry and service sectors. Usually, anchor companies are invited by the business matchmaking event organizer and have a significant demand for a wide range of products and services. During the business matchmaking session, anchor companies are positioned as highly […]
Business Matchmaking
What is a Business Matchmaking event? Business Matchmaking is gaining increasing popularity in Brazil and is primarily focused on generating business opportunities. It is an in-person networking event where companies establish contacts and create new opportunities, strengthening commercial agreements and partnerships. Usually, the event takes place on a single day, lasting between 4 to 8 […]