Business Matchmaking: 4 tips for effective communication


Business Matchmaking: 4 tips for effective communication

Communication is one of the most important aspects of a business matchmaking event. It is through communication that you will determine how to present a product or service. Your ability to communicate effectively will be crucial for your ideas to be well-received.

For this reason, today we have brought you 4 tips for good communication that will help you in your upcoming events. Check them out:

  1. Rapport

The first tip is about rapport. In case you’re not familiar with it, rapport is essentially the ability to quickly establish empathy with other people. There are various ways to establish this connection, and today’s tip is about mirroring. This technique involves observing another person’s body language and behaving in a related manner. However, be careful not to make the other person feel like you’re imitating them!

It’s worth mentioning that rapport can also be established by mirroring the way the other person gestures and speaks. It’s definitely worth researching more about the subject and starting to apply it during the business matchmaking event.

  1. Gesture

The power of gesturing is very strong and can be effectively used to improve your communication… but be careful, your gestures should make sense. If you gesture too much, you may give the impression that you’re nervous, while gesturing too little can make you appear too shy. The key is to control the amount of gesturing effectively.

  1. Listen attentively

Many people tend to think that in order to make a good impression, they should talk a lot. However, that’s not true! During the break of the business matchmaking event, it’s an excellent time for networking. Try actively listening to what the other person has to say, so that you can provide valuable feedback and contribute positively to the conversation!

  1. Ask questions

Taking into consideration the third tip, take the opportunity to ask questions, but not just any type of questions. Our suggestion is to ask open-ended questions! This is because with open-ended questions, the person being questioned cannot simply respond with a “Yes” or “No.”

Example: “What kind of business matchmaking events do you usually participate in?”

Start applying these tips, and if you’re interested in organizing your own business matchmaking event, you’re certainly in the right place! Learn more about our solution by clicking here.

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