Many entrepreneurs are still unaware of the importance of an association. Did you know that the Business Matchmaking in the Chamber of Commerce provides a significant advantage to its members?
But before we delve into today’s topic, let’s better understand what an association is and its benefits.
An association is a non-profit organization characterized by the union of individuals (CPF) or legal entities (CNPJ).
There are associations with various objectives and interests, including:
- Philanthropic
- Social
- Cultural
- Sports
- Environmental
- Economic
- Political
- Commercial
- Business
- Specific class of workers, etc.
Chamber of Commerce in your city
Chamber of Commerce aims to advocate for the interests of the business community. We can highlight their focus on promoting entrepreneurship in local businesses and their contribution to the growth and economy of the city.
Furthermore, the association offers advantages, check them out:
- Networking – The creation of a network of contacts among businesses enables the exchange of experiences. United companies have more strength and contribute to economic growth, don’t they?
- Lectures and Courses – The Chamber of Commerce offers lectures and courses aimed at adding knowledge and skills to its members.
- Differentiated Offers – Products and services have discounts and special conditions for association members.
- Impact on the Municipality – Several associations promote collective actions that undoubtedly benefit the residents of the region. There are various social initiatives, from food drives for underprivileged families to job postings, local workforce training and development, among others.
Since you have learned about some of the benefits and advantages of associations, we will now present some associations that are growing and making a difference through their strategies.
Business Matchmaking
The Caruaru Commercial and Business Association (ACIC) is currently the largest Commercial Association in the North and Northeast with over 1,600 members. It has been operating since 1920, providing services in various sectors, especially commerce, services, industry, and liberal professionals. It supports the Fashion Business Matchmaking event in Pernambuco, which has been taking place for 16 years and has gained recognition in many regions of Brazil.
Another great example is the Franca Commerce and Industry Association (ACIF), which has been operating for over 75 years. ACIF’s main role is to represent and bring together business owners from the commerce, industry, and service sectors, offering products and services that aim to strengthen and improve the levels of service in these sectors.
For example, in 2021, ACIF organized the International Business Meeting, with the support of the Franca City Hall, InvestSP, and Sebrae-SP. The focus of this matchmaking event was on footwear and brought together 20 importers from Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. They all came to Franca and conducted business with 30 local footwear factories.
Lastly, we have the ACIA – Americana Commercial and Industrial Association. ACIA has been operating for over 60 years in favor of the development of the business community in the city of Americana. It stands out in the areas of commerce, industry, and services and has more than 2,500 members.
In 2019, ACIA organized the 15th edition of the Business Matchmaking event. Eighty entrepreneurs gathered for a networking dynamic. The spots were highly sought after because the regulations allowed up to 5 companies from the same industry to participate.
Indeed, the associations that invest in Business Matchmaking events provide a unique advantage to their members by expanding networking opportunities among entrepreneurs, enabling partnerships, customer loyalty, and attracting new clients.
Many associations that are starting to offer Business Matchmaking events initially choose to host them internally, exclusively for their members. Over time, they expand and extend invitations to more national and international entrepreneurs. Undoubtedly, Business Matchmaking events enhance the visibility of the association, attracting more supporters for their initiatives and, consequently, achieving greater success.
Finally, if you’re interested in organizing a Business Matchmaking event, download our e-book at this link. Get ready to professionally offer Business Matchmaking in your portfolio.
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