Business Matchmaking with Google Calendar and Trello


Business Matchmaking with Google Calendar and Trello

Do you happen to have the habit of planning your business matchmaking event in advance? Planning is one of the key strategies for a successful execution. We will share some simple tips with you to start planning and organizing your business matchmaking event today.

First, define the goal you want to achieve. Start by using a piece of paper.

Secondly, list the key activities required to organize your event. Write them down in a logical order and establish the time needed to complete each activity.

The third step is to prioritize. Arrange the activities in order of importance, placing the most crucial ones at the top.

For excellent planning and subsequent effective tracking, we suggest using supportive tools:

Google Calendar

You probably already know this tool since it is present on most smartphones nowadays.

As the name suggests, it is a calendar app, and although many may think that using a calendar is outdated, we can assure you that utilizing this resource can be a game-changer for successful entrepreneurs.

Now that you know the importance of using a calendar, here’s a tip to start incorporating this habit: Always try to write down your entire week’s schedule. Ideally, do this over the weekend or on a day when you have more free time.

By doing this, you will visualize your entire week in your mind and feel more motivated.


This is a project management application that will certainly optimize your results.

The convenience of Trello is truly remarkable. The application is user-friendly on both computers and smartphones, making it easily accessible.

You may have already heard of this tool, but if you haven’t used it yet, we recommend giving it a try.

Upon downloading it, you can organize all your tasks and set deadlines. It is particularly useful for tracking project progress, as projects can be shared with other members of your team.

Business Matchmaking

Use the Google Calendar app to plan your business matchmaking event and leverage Trello to increase your productivity, reducing unexpected issues significantly.

When it comes to organizing your business matchmaking event, our solution can undoubtedly assist you in ensuring its success. By automating the event’s dynamics, you can focus on the details of the business matchmaking and give full attention to your guests. They will likely be eager to participate in future events as well, won’t they?

If you haven’t downloaded our e-book yet, feel free to do so for free.

Happy planning! 😉

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